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That's no moon; it's a podcast! Welcome to "The Nerds Podcast," where we delve deep into the realms of all things geeky and nerdy! Strap in for a hilarious journey through the worlds of movies, TV, and video games with your favorite nerdy hosts!

Jan 21, 2020

Episode 273: The Fantabulous Episode: Tyler starts off the episode by discussing the new Sam Mendes war-epic film 1917. Pat gives his thoughts on the new sc-fi horror flick Underwater. Tyler leads the discussion of the latest Nerd News (including a discussion of the Morbius trailer). The Nerds then draft their 2020 Rotten Tomatoes films! They end the episode with a Nerd Favorite (not really)...Best Picture nominee that you'd like to see win?


-What We are Into: 6:51-22:31

-Nerd News: 22:31-38:01

-Rotten Tomatoes Film Draft: 38:01-1:16

-Nerd Favorite: 1:16-1:22

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