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That's no moon; it's a podcast! Welcome to "The Nerds Podcast," where we delve deep into the realms of all things geeky and nerdy! Strap in for a hilarious journey through the worlds of movies, TV, and video games with your favorite nerdy hosts!

Jan 24, 2017

Episode 125: Top 10 Favorite Films 2016: Matt from the Obsessive Viewer joins The Nerds to discuss their "Top 10 Favorite Films 2016!"  They skip the usual segments to focus on the Top 10.

You can find the Obsessive Viewer and Matt's various projects here:

  • Obsessive Viewer – Check out plenty of reviews of movies, TV shows and industry commentary at the blog that started it all.
  • Obsessive Viewer Presents: Anthology – Matt’s solo podcast exploring science fiction anthology storytelling in television’s first golden age starting with The Twilight Zone.
  • Obsessive Book Nerd  Our “sister site” where you can find book reviews and commentary on the evolving world of reading.
  • The Secular Perspective  Check out Tiny’s side project podcast that explores the concepts of faith, religion and existence from the perspective of secular hosts.

Buy the Rights – The Movie Pitching Party Game


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